Mable Pines

 Mable Pines, she lived in a city and seemed happy there, until her parents said she needed some freash air for the summer. Now she is living with her Grunckle Stan for the summer. one of her uncles she hardly even knows. People call her crazy and mentle, but I just see her as a curiuse and adventure seeking. Mable has no feelings but being happy and being crazy, not to mention a little lovey-dovey at times . I belive I am just like that, even my best friends see me  as her. Watch Gravity Fallls to find out more about Mable Pines and other cooky characters.

The Ghnomes

 The great gnomes, such wonderess creatures, so unexplored. Though, first theres on thing you have to know first, gnomes barf rainbows. They are 30 cm tall. They might be small, but they can create a monster made from over a billion of them. Never the less, I know they exist because I see them on peoples lawns and not to mention sounds coming from the forest. One of the known leaders is called Jeff. Though, when meeting a gnome, be careful, they may take to be their queen, lucky Mable found out what they do. Watch the show Gravity Falls to unlock the other secrets of the very odd town .