New Post Who This?

Hey guys I’m back at it again, hitting you with another super tight post. Let’s see, I just had my first rugby game yesterday and we won!!1!1! I’m really and sore and tired, but we’re thriving. Sadly, I have practice again today even though we don’t need it and everyone just wants to go home. Other than rugby, school has been pretty lit, my grades are looking good and going up. But I’m kind of disappointed with my aerobics mark even though I’m an actual jacked queen, so my teacher better fix it soon. I’m kind of bored of writing so don’t forget to subscribe and comment, leave a like and buy my merch!! See ya later!!

I’m back (surprise!!)

Hey guys I haven’t posted awhile, it’s been like six years but I’m back!! Having a lit time in bio right now and I thought I would take a trip down memory lane on this blog. So I’m in grade 11 now, Barrack Obama isn’t president anymore which I’m kind of bummed about but, hey just you wait for 2020. Other than that, I kind of learned to spell and I no longer obsess over mustaches. Sports are still my thing and I play a lot more now, I’m also pretty jacked which is kind of tight. Schools good, stress and depress is real, but we’re thriving. Anyways I’ll try to post and keep you guys updated on everything!! Like and subscribe, use code “rachy” for 10% off everything and don’t forget to comment down below.